If you still have yet to figure out if you like men or women, the chat lines is the perfect place to explore your options and learn more about yourself. It’s okay that you don’t know what you prefer. The chat lines have many single men to speak with and you can take things at your own pace. By speaking with other people in the phone dating community, it may help you realize what you’re into and what you like. You can also try things that are new to you and see how it goes. This could be phone sex with other men or it could just be opening up to another guy about why you think you may be gay. The guys on the chat lines are honest and direct and are often good listeners and will do their best to help you in anyway they know how. If you try it out and realize you’re not gay, no problem, at least you figured it out. If you explore and realize you truly love being with other men and you prefer guys over women, great! You can continue to build relationships with other single gay men on the chat lines.

The chat lines are open all the time, so whenever it works with your schedule, give a ring and instantly get connected with a new person. If for some reason the guy on the phone isn’t a good match for you, just hang up the call. You can redial the chat lines and speak with someone new whenever you want to. Learn more about yourself and others on the chat lines and figure out what and who you want to date all from the comfort of your home. The chat lines are a safe way to explore for a number of reasons. Sexually, you don’t have to worry about STDs or emotional issues because you are just using the phone. You can truly get to know someone before deciding if you want to go out on a date in-person. Give it a try and see if you like it!